Feature Stories

Green Data Centers for a Sustainable Future

Marketplace    31 October 2022

A data center is a physical facility that centralises an organisation's shared IT operations and equipment to store, process, distribute, or provide access to large amounts of data and applications. It plays a significant role in digital transformation in an organisation, where corporates are now moving towards cloud infrastructure to seek for business agility and growth in digital services.

Data centers, by nature, consume large amounts of electricity, rare metals, and industrial-sized coolants, that account for a large number of emissions. Sustainability is now a critical factor in the data center market, with countries all over the world looking for ways to reduce data centre emissions and environmental impacts.

YTL Green Data Center Park in Johor, Malaysia

To drive the expansion of YTL Group’s green footprint, YTL Power International Berhad through its subsidiary YTL Data Center Holdings Pte Ltd (YTL DC) committed to develop a 500MW data center campus in Johor, the first integrated data center park in Malaysia to be powered by renewable solar energy. The center park will offer diversity in power and connectivity on a large industrial site in the state, of which 275 acres will be dedicated to the green data center development which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2024.

The development of the YTL Green Data Center Park epitomises YTL’s expansion into the digital infrastructure sector by combining our expertise in renewable energy, property development, telecommunications and data centers. This project will be the flagship of our integrated data center vision to serve our customers in the wider Singapore region, as well as a catalyst for our regional expansion in Asia.

In addition, higher energy efficient solutions will be incorporated in the expansion and upgrade of the Group’s 5MW Data Center facility in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur to meet Uptime Tier-III standards, offering customers a strategically located site in the central Malaysia region with close proximity to key internet exchange hubs.